Featured Review: Last Seen Leaving (Caleb Roehrig)



About This Book:


Flynn’s girlfriend has disappeared. How can he uncover her secrets without revealing his own? Flynn’s girlfriend, January, is missing. The cops are asking questions he can’t answer, and her friends are telling stories that don’t add up. All eyes are on Flynn—as January’s boyfriend, he must know something. But Flynn has a secret of his own. And as he struggles to uncover the truth about January’s disappearance, he must also face the truth about himself.



*Review Contributed by Inah Peralta, Staff Reviewer*



Strong debut

I think that the synopsis of this book is one of the main reasons why I felt so drawn into reading it. I’m still on this phase of reading tons of YA Thrillers and I’m really loving the ride. 

From the first sentence of the book, I already felt like I really was going to enjoy it. And I really did. The book is set in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I think that this is the first book I’ve read that’s set in Ann Arbor, and the only connection I have with the place is a friend who lives there so I’m obviously not entirely familiar with the place and it’s nice to read about a new place from time to time.

The main character, Flynn Doherty, is a high school student, a typical one if I may say so. One day, his girlfriend, January, disappeared. Obviously, eyes turn to him, which led him to investigate on his own.

Most characters are well-rounded and dimensional. I enjoyed Flynn’s voice and his personality. It’s also nice to see that he has a high respect towards January. I can’t really say much about him because it might spoil the story but I really do like Flynn, especially his relationship with his parents.

The story was told in a way that will keep readers on edge and I absolutely enjoyed reading this book. It’s a mixture of flashbacks and present narrations which adds depth to the story. The pacing of the story is consistent, with kicks of thrills here and there. Although I have to say that this book really left me speechless. The ending is unpredictable which I enjoyed. I really can’t wait to read more from Caleb Roehrig, because this is such a strong debut.

Good Points
excellent narration, diverse characters, gripping plot twist
*Find more info on this book HERE!*