Featured Review: Frozen Charlotte (Alex Bell)



About This Book: 


An instantly gripping, edge-of-your-seat thriller filled with haunted dolls, creepy settings, and horrific twists.

When fifteen-year-old Sophie’s best friend dies abruptly under mysterious circumstances, Sophie sets off to stay with her uncle and cousins on the remote Isle of Skye. It’s been years since she last saw her cousins — brooding Cameron with his scarred hand; Piper, who seems too perfect to be real; and peculiar little Lilias with her fear of bones.

Sophie knows that in her uncle’s house, there are rules she must follow: Make no mention of Cameron’s accident. Never leave the front gate unlocked. Above all, don’t speak of the girl who’s no longer there, the sister whose room lies empty of all but the strange antique dolls she left behind.

As Sophie begins to explore the old house, a former academy for girls shut down long ago, she discovers unsettling secrets that shed light on a dark and dangerous history. But there are some secrets Sophie never expected to uncover. Secrets about her own family. Secrets that suggest Sophie may be in more danger than she could have ever imagined.



*Review Contributed By Karen Yingling, Staff Reviewer*



Don’t play with the creepy dolls!

Sophie seems to have very bad luck when it comes to the supernatural, but she’s never entirely sure that unexplained forces are to blame. Is it really the Ouija board app that causes her best friend Jay to drown? Wracked with grief and no small portion of guilt, Sophie is sent off to the wind swept Island of Skye to be with her cousins and uncle. This doesn’t seem like a particularly good idea– Cameron has had an accident that leaves him sensitive and withdrawn, and no one is allowed to talk about it. Lilias is obsessed with the dolls that belonged to her dead sister. Piper seems normal, but that may only be a front she uses so that she can manipulate everyone around her. When the dolls, a relic from the house’s past use as a girls’ school, start to come to life in extremely frightening ways, the adults seem to be completely clueless. Not only are the dolls a threat, but her cousins’ dysfunctions rise to the surface as well. Can Sophie save herself from the mounting forces of evil?

Good Points
Sophie was a great character who was trying to make the best of a bad situation. She has fond memories of her cousins and time spent at their house, and is overwhelmed at how things have changed. She’s trying very hard to get over the death of her friend, Jay, and her parents are being supportive and constructive– her mother reassures her that the app couldn’t have caused or even predicted Jay’s death. The fact that she hears voices and gets panicked by them seems out of character for her, and therefore all the more frightening. 

The cousins are also well portrayed. Does she have an emotional or mental problem? Is she really possessed by dolls? Is Piper good or evil? What’s up with Cameron? He seems like a good guy most of the time, but when will his accident be explained? The delicious air of uncertainly makes this book even more harrowing. I’m not a fan of being scared, but Frozen Charlotte certainly achieves this affect in a subtle yet utterly spine chilling way. 

Perfect for fans of Katie Alender, Monaghan’s Mary series and Rachel Hawkins’ Hex Hall books, Frozen Charlotte was a textbook Gothic novel. Desolate house, insane relatives, and creepy killer dolls that are possessed by pure evil, and spreading that evil to family members. Actually, DON’T recommend this to readers who don’t like creepy dolls, because you will be responsible for their nightmares!



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