Anatomy of a Boyfriend (Anatomy #1)

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Anatomy of a Boyfriend
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I've seen this book around quite a bit but for some reason I always found a reason to put it down. So when I got a review request from the author I jumped on the chance immediately and I am so glad I did. This book was funny, adorable and heartbreaking at the same time.

This book isn't just about sex. It's about a bunch of firsts. Like Dominique's first kiss, her first boyfriend, her first love, her first time and even her first heartbreak. Going in I knew there would probably be quite a bit of sex discussed so I prepared myself for that when I accepted the review request. There was quite a bit discussed but it was done in a very tasteful way and it didn't get trashy but managed to work in a way that a lot of books seriously miss.

Daria Snadowsky really managed to capture the feelings that surround these firsts. The magical feeling of your first kiss as well as having your first boyfriend. The heartbreak surround your first breakup was what I found to be most relatable, since I went through a rough breakup during high school. The way this book was written really had you feeling Dominique's emotions and experiencing all of these firsts.

I liked Dominique at times, while at other points she bothered me. She was smart and focused in the beginning, completely knowing what she wanted to do in life. But when she met Wesley it seemed that all of this went out the window and her focus shifted to him entirely, which does happen with a first love but she went to extremes. She got to the point where she wasn't spending time with her family just so she could spend more time with him. She also became rather clingy where in the beginning she was independent. In the end however, I did enjoy her character since she read like a real girl who was dealing with all of these things. Then there was Wesley. He was the adorable shy guy that had no experience and who was completely sweet. I really liked him until the end. He ended up really hurting Dominique and didn't even have the guts to do it to her face.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book. I think everybody should give this a shot because it truly is a great book that does talk about a lot of things that girls are dealing with in high school. The things that happened in this book are extremely true to life and are pretty realistic.

This copy was received from the author for review purposes and did not effect my opinions in any way. The opinions expressed in this review were mine alone.
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Reader reviewed by stephanie

Hmm...maybe it's just me but I didn't really like this book. I mean, it was funny and stuff but Wes was really, really annoying. I hate him so much. *SPOILERS* I don't see how she could fall in love with him... He's so wishy-washy and he couldn't bring himself to break up with her face-to-face. He did it ONLINE. That is the definition of a jerk. Right? Totally. Oh, and Dominique? The main character? that her name? I totally forgot. xD But anyway, her. I don't like her either. I can't believe she fell for him. Everyone could've predicted what could've happened and what she did to prove her "love" to him? Tsk tsk, bad girl. She shouldn't have wasted her time on him. At all. However, OMG, everytime I picture Wes, I picture that guy who played Juno's boyfriend. I don't even know why because their outer appearance aren't exactly the same...must be the fact that they are both on the track team. Yea... Oh yea, Dom's friend? Her best friend? She is so weird. Do you remember what she gave Dom for her birthday? A massager That was so awkward. If someone gave me that, I would never be able to guess what it was for. >.<
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good though not really my type of thing
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Reader reviewed by the book muncher

The farthest seventeen-year-old Dominique Baylor has gone with a guy is a kiss, and not even the French kind. Her seemingly prudish behavior is a far cry from her best friend Amy, who will do everything by it with any cute guy. But then Dom meets Wes, and everything changes. Shes never felt this way about any guy before; all she can think about is Wes. She finds herself experiencing anatomy first hand instead of through the pages of her favorite book, Grays Anatomy. And for a while, everything is perfect in Wes and Doms little bubble of love. But then it pops and Dom is lost. Anatomy of a Boyfriend is a humorous yet honest account of relationships and first love.

Anatomy of a Boyfriend was definitely an interesting novel, though not particularly one Id normally pick up. I appreciate the honest in portraying Doms love/sex life, but sometimes I felt the sex scenes were a little in excess. Reality was by far Snadowskys greatest strength in this book. Dom, Wes, and Amy were all characterized well and always felt authentic, no matter which situations they were in. I definitely loved how the characters were stereotype-free. I think I like this novel better when I look at it from a broader perspective instead of in bits and pieces. Its about discovering love and experimenting, with the embarrassments and insane happiness to go with it. Its told as it is without being dramatized, exaggerated, or romanticized. I felt Anatomy of a Boyfriend to be an accurate portrayal of teens and their firsts.

While Id like to say this book should only be read by teens of a certain age or older, because of the mature scenes, I cant deny that reading Anatomy of a Boyfriend has some value. Overall, I wouldnt really recommend or not recommend this book; Im stuck somewhere in the middle. Fans of Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty by Jody Gehrman may also enjoy this book about relationships and love.

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Fun Read!
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Reader reviewed by ambeen

Ive heard this book described as being similar to Judy Blumes Forever. I havent read Forever (although I did pick it up one time at a used bookstore), but if its like Anatomy, or better, then I definitely want to read it. I had originally planned to read both and do a sort of comparison review, but that was back when I had more time. So Im just another reviewer who cant truly comment on any parallels.

It is a more realistic portrayal of a teenage romance than youd find in most YA. Its quick, interesting, and at times, laugh out loud funny. I dont really have much to say by way of traditional review, so Ill just respond to a couple of things Ive seen in other reviewers reviews.

One thing Ive consistently come across is that everyone sees Wes as the bad guy or "douche" as one friend summed him up. I really didnt see any of this douche-y behavior. Sure he seemed a little jerky at times and the way he broke up with Dom was the ultimate douche-tacular display; however, Dom annoyed me more. She was obsessive, clingy, and downright bitchy at times. I have never been in a serious (or semi-serious as this relationship seemed) relationship, but please dont tell me this is normal behavior. While I disliked Wes method of breaking up, I dont blame him. I think that was the strongest thing in the novel for meI understood both sides of the relationship. I didnt blame one more than the other for the eventual demise of their relationship. I think Snadowsky struck this balance perfectly because lets face it, not all break ups are easy to pinpoint the blame on one person.

The second issue that Ive seen in reviews is the graphic sexual content. I seriously thought that these other reviewers were just exaggerating. Come "Part II" though, I was like, "whoa!" I was really surprised at how graphic it was. I dont mind that stuff because I was reading Harlequin at 15/16. For a YA novel though, it was a little shocking. It struck me as bordering Harlequin graphic, only awkward. So if anyone is worried about the graphic sexual scenes, just know that it is more awkward than sensual. Its very realistic and not Hollywoods glamorized version of what sex is.

So to wrap this up, I liked it!
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Finding Love
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Reader reviewed by ren5

The story is a about a girl who is rathey nerdy and wants to become a doctor. She has never had and encounters with love. Her best friend, on the other hand, has gone out with almost evry guy in town. She has never sincerely like them though.

This is great read. I felt like i knew the characters and started to root of them, hoping they do what is right. It is a little, shall I say, descriptive. Other than that it was a fun book.
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